Creating Good Web Content

Your site has just seconds to capture attention. Think about articles you have read, speeches you have heard, books you have begun. The first exposure helps people decide whether they would like to spend more time reading, listening or viewing.

Enticing content for an accounting firm may include six reasons you are paying too much in taxation; why the top line is more important than the bottom line; and how to get your customers to offer to pay you more than you ask.

You’ve got to be edgy, but not poke someone in the eye. You need to be ready to challenge and entertain, while not bragging or boasting. Your website, and especially your homepage, ought to be provocative enough to be memorable and induce other people to tell colleagues, “You should stop by this website.”

Let us explore a few of the best ways to get the provocative thoughts you’ll need:

  • Brainstorm with others. Engage a group of trusted advisors. Being a part of a strong mastermind team and trusted advisors is an excellent way to boost your ideas and imagination.
  • Question basic assumptions. This applies not only to your own premises, but also to those of your advisers and customers. You get new insights to reach the proper solution.
  • Tell a story. Employing a narrative to convey a specific concept compels us to develop ideas to make it even more effective.
  • Interview others. This can help you learn, form new ideas and influence successful marketing whilst creating new audio and video content for your site and that of the individual you are interviewing.
  • Social networking. When moving into smart and effective online communities, you will quickly gain knowledge of what’s being discussed and asked, and how you may be of help to other people.

One “musts” to your site is a homepage which includes typical client results, at least one video testimonial plus revolving text reviews (at about seven-second periods) and a dramatic and appealing value. Menus should include case studies, client list, position papers, biography, contact info, product and service

In order for the company to succeed on the World Wide Web, three key components must be achieved:

Design. Your website should be professionally designed, engaging and attractive, and be simple to navigate in order to quickly gain the visitors’ interest and attention. Superior use of pictures is important in addition to using action shots of you with your clientele.

Content. Your web content must concentrate on your customers’ interests and address the question of what is in it for them and how to improve their lives and businesses. To achieve this, strong content has to be developed in the shape of goods, services and intellectual property, while continuously evolving.

Strategy and tactics. Determine what the company should look like, how it should position itself on the internet and what elements are crucial to making the company a success. Decide how you need to reach and communicate with clients: will they buy products, read articles, subscribe to newsletters, communicate through sites and online communities?

Without all of the above, your website’s effectiveness is greatly diminished. For instance, a website that’s well-designed with good web page content but has no defined strategy and tactics would be like driving a car with no GPS system or an effective map. You will be wondering why you aren’t reaching your destination. If you have great content and powerful strategies and tactics, yet poor design and navigation, visitors will either close their browsers or press the back button to and visit the websites of your competitors.
